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Playground Funding Guide

No money? No Problem… No matter how important you know the provision of play equipment to be, having no funds means no playground!

When it comes to developing imaginative play and learning zones for children, there may be times when funds are not readily available. Although you understand the importance of providing outdoor play equipment for children and know which equipment you want to provide, there just isn’t enough money in the pot. The above is especially true in today’s economic environment. So if your plans for a new project are hindered by a lack of funds, then applying for funding could be the natural next step.

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All of the tools that you need to secure funding

If you would prefer to maybe get the PTA or friends group involved, or look for funding yourselves call for a free copy of our comprehensive guide to funding, featuring help on how to fill in the applications forms and a full list of potential grant providers.

For support with filling in grant applications please request a copy of our Playground Funding Guide.  Inside you will find comprehensive advice, featuring help on how to plan and compile a successful application and a full list of potential providers.

Why Choose Funding?

Quite simply, funding can bring you the capital you need to help support your project.

Nevertheless, securing financial support is not something you should take lightly. It can be a complicated procedure and the process may be time consuming and daunting. You may not know where to begin or which way to turn for help. However, the important thing is to remember that funding organisations are there to help. They receive thousands of applications every year, and in return, successful requests are granted for play spaces all over the UK.

Who is Eligible for Funding?

The good news is that whether you represent an educational body, local authority or not-for-profit organisation, you could be eligible for funding. However, there can be restrictions.

Each funding organisation is different, and their preferences as to who can apply may vary. Grants may only be available for schools, or local councils, or there could be an open opportunity for everyone, so it is important to make sure you contact the relevant body and do the research necessary prior to submitting your application.

Why is Funding Important?

Funding for play spaces is so important because it gives children access to outdoor facilities, opening the door to all facets of development.

Outdoor learning – an increasing area of focus within schools and of equal value to indoor learning – is an important asset in every child’s development.

From simply creating a classroom outdoors or establishing a peaceful storytelling area, to staging outdoor performances or using the outdoor environment to teach children about the outside world – opportunities for learning are endless.

Whatever the requirement, investment into play spaces and outdoor classrooms opens a multiplicity of opportunities for growth, and can even be integrated into teaching plans.

Encouraging healthy and active lifestyles through giving children the opportunity to engage in physical activity, movement and exercise.
Increasing young people’s well-being as well as developing their creativity and resourcefulness.

Funding makes it possible for the installation of play equipment that grasps many benefits of outdoor learning by:


Funding makes it possible for the installation of play equipment that grasps many benefits of outdoor learning by:

Encouraging healthy and active lifestyles through giving children the opportunity to engage in physical activity, movement and exercise.
Increasing young people’s well-being as well as developing their creativity and resourcefulness.
Helping children develop key abilities such as hand-eye co-ordination.
Encouraging children to interact with one another, make new friends and develop social skills.
Allowing children to experience new challenges, assess risks and manage difficult situations in a safe and supervised environment.
Encouraging psychological growth such as confidence.
Supporting the development of life skills such as problem solving, rule making, trial and error, and exploring new ways of doing things.
Promoting knowledge and a greater involvement in National Curriculum subjects such as Maths and English.
Providing opportunities for imaginative role play, inventiveness and adventure.
Giving children the opportunity to investigate, explore and discover the natural world.

Support When You Need It

Sovereign is taking steps to support schools during difficult times. Our trained Area Managers are helping customers take the next steps forward by supporting schools when access to financial support is hard. Our management team is experienced in working with schools to put together funding bids and has helped hundreds of customers in their quest to secure funding.

Now the road to funding has become more difficult, there is a greater need for support. Our team is working hard to support schools in their quest to secure funding and make their outdoor dreams a reality.

Darran HineSales Director

Success In Winning Funding

We have achieved outstanding success in winning funding for customers.
We have also worked with hundreds of PTAs to produce detailed designs and budgets for external funding bids. Our experience in this area, along with our innovative design solutions, has also helped to secure the involvement of the wider community in supporting bids.

How We Help

Our free, no obligation consultations allow us to talk to you face-to-face and discuss any issues and concerns you have about funding.
Our trained Area Managers can talk to you about your play equipment needs, your funding application capabilities and the options available to you. If required, we can assist you in putting together proposals and can even give you the required costings.

Support for PTAs

We have worked with hundreds of PTAs to produce detailed designs and costings to form external funding bids.
These are ideal for use at summer fairs and fundraising events to help encourage other parents to raise even more money after they can see exactly what can be achieved for their children. Once a successful project has been completed, we can help with launch parties and the writing and issuing of local press releases, to bring that extra bit of attention to the hard work PTAs do for schools.
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To Book a Consultation

If you would like to speak to our experienced management team about your funding requirements, or any other outdoor equipment query, contact us today:

01702 804200CONTACT US

The Road to Funding

What do you do? You’re at the starting post, so where next? Understanding what the funding organisation’s requirements are and drawing up an effective project plan is very important for a successful application. So doing sufficient research and planning is essential.




A list of possible funders


Funding criteria and deadlines

Understand the sources of funding. This includes the funding organisation’s aims, objectives and most importantly, its eligibility criteria. Doing this research is vital and will maximise your chances of understanding what the funder is looking for, as well as eliminating the risk of missing something vital when writing your funding application. Think of other questions you may need to answer. Do you need to include relevant appendices? If you need to fill out a form, have you completed every applicable field? Is there a deadline? Treat our accompanying funding directory as a ‘starter for ten’ and use the links to find out more.




A detailed project plan


A budget or estimated cost

To avoid the shredder, make your project plan stand out. Do this by making sure it covers all of the requirements of the funding organisation. In addition, ensure your project plan is well supported. Make statements that hold up. You want them to help fund your play equipment, but why? What factors support this? Include detail about your organisation, the project, an estimated timeline and a budget. Also, include facts and figures that could work in your favour in securing your application. If you require help drafting your plan or costings together, your local Area Manager will be happy to help.

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