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All educational settings realise the importance of playgrounds. They provide a safe space for young ones to enjoy active play, that can and often does incorporate learning without most children even realising. They also encourage exercise and allow children to run off their energy when they’re outside of the classroom.

Add in their numerous benefits for mental health and it’s easy to see why playgrounds are a truly vital addition to any learning environment. Playgrounds are most typically constructed from a few different materials, with the most constructed from either wood or metal. Today we’re looking at the difference between wood and metal, and their key benefits.


Metal Playground Equipment

Metal is always a popular choice for playground equipment in public parks. The reason being, metal is extremely during. This means not only will it stand the test of time in a public playground but it will also be difficult to bend and break, making it less likely to fall victim to vandalism.

It’s also worth noting that thanks to it’s extra tough qualities, you can rest assured that your children will be safe playing on these structures as they’ll easily hold the weight and boisterous play that children will no doubt exert. It’s also easy to make it in a variety of colours, making it much easier for those buying it to achieve a certain aesthetic or customise it.


Wooden Playground Equipment

Despite the benefits of metal playground equipment, wooden playground equipment is and always will be extremely popular. First and foremost, wooden equipment is considered to be the safest material out there. It’s also pretty durable too, able to withstand even the toughest elements and the roughest of play.

While wood is easier to vandalise than metal, it’s also much cheaper to replace and even install initially. Another great aspect to wood is that it can be pre-stained which will help prevent any splinters or cuts while playing.

It’s also a very attractive material, offering a natural look that looks at home virtually anywhere and avoids that ‘concrete jungle’ look. Throw in some naturally grown knots in the wood and wooden playground equipment can provide a truly unique and beautiful appearance in any playground.


Contact Us Today

If you’d like more information on our playground equipment, be it metal or wood, please don’t hesitate to contact us today at Sovereign Play Equipment. Call 01702 804200 or email our team via [email protected]. We’ll be only too happy to provide you with more information regarding metal and wooden playground equipment as well as our professional installation services, should you need additional expertise when it comes to the final install of your playground.


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